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We are excited to propose a robotics cohort program in collaboration with GMR Innovex, 
the All India Robotics Association, and the Government of Telangana. This program aims to 
create a pool of talented individuals and startups working on robotics solutions related to 
airports and aviation. As a co-owner of the program, GMR Innovex will play a vital role in 
providing mentorship and guidance to the cohort participants.

As you may know, the robotics industry is rapidly growing and has the potential to 
revolutionize the aviation industry. By partnering with the All India Robotics Association and 
the Government of Telangana, GMR Innovex can stay ahead of the curve and identify 
potential partnerships and collaborations that can contribute to the growth and innovation 
of the aviation industry.

As a co-owner of the program, GMR Innovex will have a direct role in providing mentorship 
and guidance to the cohort participants. This provides a unique opportunity to identify and 
partner with promising startups that can contribute to the growth and innovation of the 
aviation industry. Additionally, as a co-owner of the program, GMR Innovex can improve its 
brand recognition as an innovative leader in the aviation industry.

The cohort program will run for a duration of three to four months, with a focus on creating 
innovative robotics solutions related to airports and aviation. The curriculum will include 
workshops, mentorship sessions, and a demo day where cohort participants can showcase 
their products and solutions. The program will also provide networking opportunities with 
other startups and industry professionals, potentially leading to future partnerships and 

Program Details

(Duration: 16 weeks)

Week 1-2: Introduction to Robotics for Startups
  • Overview of the robotics industry for startups
  • Types of robotics startups and their business models
  • Understanding the robotics ecosystem and key players
  • Introduction to business basics for robotics startups (e.g., customer discovery, value 
    proposition, business model canvas)

Week 3-4: Robotics Problem Statements for Startups
  • Identifying robotics problem statements for startups
  • Conducting market research to identify customer pain points
  • Refining problem statements to align with target market needs
  • Evaluating the feasibility and potential of problem statements

Week 5-8: Robotics Mentorship for Startups
• Selecting and working with mentors for early-stage robotics startups
• Identifying potential mentors with relevant industry expertise
• Developing mentorship agreements and expectations
• Gaining insights and guidance from mentors to refine business strategies and product 
   development plans

Week 9-12: Robotics Product Development for Startups
  • Developing prototype solutions that meet the needs of early-stage robotics startups
  • Refining product features and specifications based on customer feedback and market 
  • Developing a go-to-market strategy that aligns with business goals and target market 
  • Conducting pilot tests and refining product development plans based on results

Week 13-16: Robotics Funding for Startups
  • Understanding the funding landscape for early-stage robotics startups
  • Identifying funding sources and options (seed, angel, venture capital)
  • Preparing for pitches and presentations to potential investors
  • Understanding the due diligence process and preparing for investor questions and 

Benefits for the Startups

1. Comprehensive Support: Receive guidance and mentorship from industry experts

   experienced mentors, and successful entrepreneurs throughout the program.

2. Tailored Curriculum: The 4-month curriculum is specifically designed to address the needs

     of startups in the ideation stage, covering all essential aspects of building a successful

     robotics venture.

3. Market Validation: Conduct market analysis, customer discovery, and validation to ensure

    your product meets market demand and customer needs.

4. Business Model Development: Refine your business model canvas and value proposition

    to create a strong foundation for your startup.

5. Product Development: Learn the best practices for product development, rapid

    prototyping, and iterative design processes, enabling you to enhance your product based

    on user feedback and market insights.

6. Go-to-Market Strategy: Develop a comprehensive strategy to effectively bring your product

    to market, including sales channels, pricing, and distribution plans.

7. Funding Strategies: Gain insights into investor readiness, financial modeling, valuation, and

    pitch deck preparation to attract potential investors and secure funding for your venture.

8. Investor Pitches: Get the opportunity to practice investor pitches with expert feedback and

    guidance, increasing your chances of impressing investors during demo day or pitch



9. Robotics and AI/ML Workshop: Acquire in-depth knowledge of robotics fundamentals,

    artificial intelligence/machine learning integration, computer vision, and advanced


10. Networking Opportunities: Connect with fellow entrepreneurs, investors, industry leaders

     and domain experts through networking events, guest speaker sessions, and peer

     collaboration sessions.

11. Robotic Expo: Showcase your innovative robotic solutions to investors, industry experts,

    and the public, gaining valuable exposure and potential partnership opportunities.

12. Roadshow: Present your business ideas and products to a panel of investors and industry

     professionals, receiving feedback and evaluating the scalability of your offerings.

13. Graduation Day: Celebrate your accomplishments and present your progress,

     achievements, and future plans to an audience comprising investors, mentors, and

     industry leaders.

14. Ongoing Support: Access regular mentorship, office hours, and peer collaboration and

     feedback sessions even after the program ends.

15. Intellectual Property and Confidentiality: Ensure the protection of your intellectual property

     and maintain confidentiality throughout the program with guidelines provided.

16. Certifications: AIRA to provide all the necessary certifications for robot sales, business

      growth, export & imports for the qualified startups.

Guidelines for Startups

- Startup should be in Ideation Stage

- Startup should not miss any physical activity day

- Problem Statement Selection should be from the pool of statements provided by


- Solution Development – Startup to get graduated & get access to AIRA global

   network only if the startup completes the solution/prototype in the course duration.

- Collaboration – Startup should be open to collaborate with AIRA & GMR

- Confidentiality – Startup should keep the data shared by AIRA & GMR in confidential.

- Startups need to attend physically for two days (Friday & Saturday) in a week.

- Other days startups can access the course on the AIRA online platform.

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